Hank (The Canoe Canuck)
My name is Hank Meyer, an avid canoeist and outdoor enthusiast from Ontario, Canada. I started this website back in 2011 as a canoe tripping resource to share some of my experiences and provide some tips along the way.
Thanks for coming by to check it out!
Personally I enjoy reading and watching videos from the outdoor community and other like-minded people out there. I hope that you find the same enjoyment from my content. I started this site with the intention of adding content consistently, so feel free to come back season after season for more content.
About this Site
Ontario is home to some of the nicest rivers and lakes which make for great canoeing and camping. This purpose of this site is to share my outdoor experiences with the world for you to enjoy. I provide tips from what I have learned in the backcountry, and on the canoe trip logs you can find some interesting accounts of trips I’ve taken. This website includes videos I’ve recorded in the field embedded from my YouTube channel: CanoeCanuckTV on the videos section.
Site History
This site has gone through a number of stages in its design. Originally I began it as a content management system developed exclusively by myself with a number of designs dating around 2011 to 2013 by me. Over time the content management system I developed lacked the advanced functionality that could be achieved by implementing a system such as WordPress.

As of 2013 the site began running WordPress CMS. At the time I completely designed the site to fulfill the WordPress environment, and one of my favourite designs at that.
By 2017 the design had become outdated as most users view the site on mobile platforms. I took a step back to re-assess what the Canoe Canuck site was all about. It was at this point where I realized that the design of the site is not where the value lies, but it is in the content. This is when I switched the site to a predesigned WordPress theme. Although I have significantly modified the twenty seventeen theme, originally designed by WordPress. From now on the Canoe Canuck site is more focused on content, and my design and development hobby has its place on HanksHosts, my open sandbox website to create, design and develop with freedom.
Contact Information
Thanks for checking out the site! I’m open for feedback or suggestions. I value information privacy so feel free to contact me directly. Alternatively drop a comment on any of the posts and pages throughout the site. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau