Before packing up to head out into the woods, and stopping at the grocery store on the way there lets create a plan. Here are some guidelines that will be helpful when making a meal plan for a multi-day backpacking or canoe trip. Also, you will find some practical tried and true camp meal ideas that are straightforward and well balanced for whatever your adventure may be.
In this post I’ll share an example canoe trip meal plan as well as a few tips on the process of planning and preparing food for a multi day trip. So let’s get to the point.
1. No perishables after day 2.
The easiest way to stink up your food barrel or pack is a few day old meat or cheese that you had made plans for a few days in. If you stick to dried and non perishable food for day 3 and onwards you just won’t have to worry. On a canoe trip, perishables can be defined as anything that is normally refrigerated.

2. Keep it organized.
Plan meals for an entire trip ahead of time, and pack it away in an organized manner. It’s okay if you don’t stick to the exact plan or schedule once on the trip. Keeping meals in their own sealed bags will make your life easier than searching for ingredients at dinner time. Use a food barrel with buckets to organize it all. If you’re using a bag for food, then use a clear bag so you can see where everything is. Label it if it helps. Preparation and meal planning will help keep it organized.

3. Keep it simple.
Following up to the previous point, if your meal has multiple ingredients, prepare them at home and package it in its own vacuum sealed bag all together. At camp you just have to grab the one bag and less searching for other ingredients at camp. The meals themselves can be simple too. Less pots you need going at camp is less work spent on cleanup and prep. You’re likely to be tired form portaging or hiking from that day anyway. Less work is usually better.
4. Pair off if in group trips.
When going out in a group of 4 or more people, it’s easier for meal planning if you pair off. Camp stoves are limited in capacity and can be overwhelming when trying to prepare food for more than two people at a time. Personally I use a Trangia alcohol burning stove. It works great for two people. With two pots you can prepare two dishes and have two plates/bowls to eat out of.
If you keep these points in mind when compiling your meal plan you will find more time to enjoy. Less time will be spent having to clean out your barrel and do dishes. Having a thought-out yet simple meal plan will help you with prep. Grocery shopping, dehydrating, vacuum sealing is enough to worry about when packing up ahead of the trip.
Example canoe trip meal plan
If you’re like me and not a meal planner at home, you may find yourself eating better in the woods! Taking the time to plan it out day by day with no stress on the trail.

Have any meal ideas you would like to share? Drop a comment below!