Tag Archives: McCrae Lake

McCrae Lake Forest Fire (Video)

Human Caused Forest Fire

Fire located at McCrae Lake Conservation Reserve, District of Muskoka. In July of 2012 I was able to catch some of the efforts putting out a human caused forest fire at the McDonald Lake put-in. I was just about to head out on a canoe trip and this is what we saw. For more wilderness videos check out the CanoeCanuck YouTube channel.

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McCrae Lake Canoe Trip – May 2012

McCrae Lake Conservation Reserve
May 18-21, 2012

I have been to McCrae Lake Conservation reserve several times previous to this trip, but when I went there this Victoria Day weekend (May 18-21, 2012), it was one of the nicest. My friend and I had planned this 4 day trip throughout the winter months to go on the May 2/4 weekend, and was well worth the wait.

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